I’m going to admit something – I had no idea who Jessie Lee Ward was until I read about her being close to death and then eventually dying. I’m part of an anti-MLM group on Reddit as I like to know exactly what is the bullshit my friends keep trying to sell to me.
They never mentioned Jessie Lee Ward, surprisingly, in any of their posts. Maybe it was because they knew she was full of shit or they didn’t even know who she was. Both are possible. Regardless, I personally never heard of her until she was literally on her deathbed and eventual death.
While, I did not personally know who she was, her legacy is something to…honestly, I’m not sure what her legacy actually is.
Let me start off this post by introducing who she is:
Now, I have issues with the above-referenced video. I don’t think she was being completely honest in what the doctors have told her and I do believe she flat-out lied about her diagnosis. One thing I do believe, however, is that she wanted to live and honestly didn’t think she was going to die.
But, this is the part that gets me fucked up.
I’ve known people who’ve battled cancer. I, myself, had pre-cancerous growth in my cervix years ago and immediately went on treatment to remove it. I’ve also known people who have died from cancer – family members, and friends.
Cancer is a fucked-up diagnosis and an even more fucked-up disease to battle. And let’s keep it gully – a lot of diseases need doctor’s care and supervision. Too many people – really stupid ones – rely on Dr. Google to self-diagnose but then don’t follow up with care to an actual, factual physician to see if what they have is true or something completely different.
Yeah, those symptoms you just googled could either be the signs of a sore throat or something more nefarious. Why play that game?
I’m not going to go in on JLW too much. She lived hard and well, she died hard. She ignored serious symptoms such as clots, and excessive bleeding; why she ignored something like that? Only she knows. She claims she went to get a body scan for funsies and y’all…no one does that shit for fun. No one.
What I don’t appreciate is her acting like she was somehow above listening to doctors who were trying to extend her life. If she just said, ‘the doctors are giving me six months to live so I’m going to live those six months to the fullest!’, no one would’ve argued. In fact, many would’ve supported her decision.
But she didn’t do that.
Instead, she went on anti-doctor rants and posts, calling the doctors who were trying to treat her as “chemo pimps”, insisted taking coffee enemas (what the hell are those?), and doing holistic measures were going to beat her cancer.
And she still lost in the biggest way possible.
There are some people out there who can tell the difference between a charlatan and one who just lives by their own rules. Someone who lives by their own rules don’t try to convince anyone what they’re doing is right or wrong; they don’t care. They just do it. A charlatan often tries to convince you their way is the only way of doing things because they said so. JLW was a charlatan.
It’s very sad she died so incredibly young. Realistically, by the time she started paying attention to the symptoms, she really didn’t have much longer to live and was in deep denial on how quickly and aggressive the cancer had progressed. Had she got treatment sooner at the first onset something was wrong, who knows what would’ve happened. Maybe she still would be alive right now.
I doubt her lesson will be a calling card to anyone. She already has a Stan base who are trying to say her death was not related to cancer, but LOL. If three doctors told her she didn’t have longer to live because of the cancer, that’s what killed her.
I hope she finds peace where ever she is. And where ever JLW is, I hope she’s taking no one on a 12-hour hike.
[…] I also did rather controversial posts like This is Why Jessie Lee Ward’s Death was Stupidly Preventable. […]